Content Fortress

Use your website to attract only your dream customers (and repel the ones you don’t want).

Get higher paying customers who you absolutely love to work with. 

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Foreword by Marcus Sheridan

Marcus is our hero. His book, They Ask, You Answer, transformed our business. He enabled us to quit our jobs, and achieve our dream of working from home together. His teachings have also formed the foundations of Content Fortress, and it is the biggest honour that he is writing the foreword for the book.

Have you or your staff ever...

If you’ve answered yes to any of the points above, then we can help. 

Build A Content Fortress

Attract The Customers You'll Love to Work With

Our brand new book, Content Fortress, shows you how to use content marketing to attract only the right people (people who understand and appreciate what you do and how you work) and prevent problem-clients/customers.

We’ll give you real-life examples of businesses (from large businesses, to one-man bands) of how to use your content to protect you and your business.

Each piece of content that you create, using the strategy outlined in our book, is another stone in your fortress


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Benefits When you implement our
Content Fortress Framework...

Less Stress & Anxiety

Spend more time with your family or on your business, without your mind wandering to ‘that client issue’.

A Love For Your Business

Spend more time doing the parts of the business you love, rather spending all your time communicating with clients.

Higher-Paying Clients

Have happier, higher paying clients, who love you and the way you work and recommend you to others.

Increase sales from the RIGHT People

Attract MORE customers that respect your time, processes and how you work (and will not expect you to change.)

Repel Time-Wasters & Wrong Fits

Only spend time with potential clients who you know will buy from you, and save wasting time with 'tyre kickers'.

Create A Happy, Productive Team

Who spend less time with client demands and more time doing what they love and growing your business.

Who is this book for?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a one-man-band or a huge corporation with a sales team that deals with all your customer enquiries – this book will benefit you.

Content Fortress is about protecting your mental health (or your team’s mental health). It’s about preventing client or customer issues, and saving you and your team the huge amount of time it takes to deal with them.

It’s about having better, healthier relationships with your clients or customers. It’s about being equal to your clients and customers – neither superior or inferior. And above all, it’s about running the business you want to run, around the life that you want to lead.

We Discovered This Strategy The Hard Way -
We Wrote This Book So You Don’t Have To

We didn’t start our business with a plan to prevent client or customer issues. Unfortunately, we struggled for years before we discovered this strategy…

We’d invest time and energy meeting potential clients face-to-face, only to be ghosted later.

We spent hundreds of evenings and weekends working - trying to catch up on the list of ever-growing client work that was outside of scope (so we weren’t even getting paid to do it)

We’d be tied up communicating constantly with clients who wanted to ‘micro-manage’ every aspect of the project

We’d feel the pressure to be at the ‘beck-and-call’ of clients anytime of day (including a 2am call that was not an emergency!)

When we’d eventually say ‘no’ to our clients, and explain that this wasn’t how we worked, or that they’d have to pay more money for the extra work they’d requested, they responded negatively.

We felt constantly under attack. We lost sleep. We argued (is now a good time to mention we’re not just business partners, we also live together). And we were miserable. Client issues had a negative impact on every aspect of our lives.

Why did it affect us so much?

Because, like you, we genuinely want our clients and customers to be happy. But at the same time, we didn’t want to work ourselves into the ground.

It was only when Martin’s mental health took a serious hit, one that impacted his physical health, we finally said ‘enough’. Things had to change.

We’d used content marketing to build our business into a 6-figure agency that supported the two of us.

And if we could use content so effectively to get MORE clients, we thought, can we use it to get the RIGHT clients, communicate more effectively with them, and prevent issues BEFORE they came up.

That’s when we started building our Content Fortress.

About the Jammy Digital Duo

Martin and Lyndsay are a couple of WordPress Web Designers who have built a business together around their busy lives. They’re married, but Lyndsay didn’t fancy Martin’s surname because she can’t actually pronounce it. It’s ‘Huntbach’ for anyone who wants to have a go.

They are human slaves to their cats, Muggles and Minnie (Lyndsay is a Harry Potter fan). And they’ve recently had a son called Lucas (Martin is a Star Wars fan). Lucas rules the roost in their house and can often be found interrupting their podcast recordings when he fancies some food.

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This Book Is Not For You If...

You ONLY want more sales

This book is not about how to make more money using content marketing. There are many amazing books out there (of which we’ve read a lot!) that help you make more leads and sales through content marketing. Although, if you implement the strategies we talk about, you will increase your sales and be able to charge more for your services. A nice little side-effect. 

You’d rather blame your clients and do nothing about it

This book is not about demonising your clients or customers. Yeah, we’re all human and sometimes we like to have a good rant. We get that. But blaming your clients won’t get you anywhere. In order for this book to work, you have to take some responsibility for client/customer issues, and make sure they never happen again. 

You think your contract protects you from all customer issues

Ahhh the trusty contract. That’s the best way to work with only your dream clients, right? Not exactly. We’re strong advocates of a good contract and the terms and conditions that go with it when working with clients. However, do you really want to have the ‘As per the contract…’ conversation every week? Is that going to make you happy? Will it make your client happy? And wouldn’t it be best if your clients had a full understanding of how you worked from the beginning? 

10% Of Book Sales Will Go To Mind, a Mental Health Charity

Mind is a charity that provides support and advice to empower anyone experiencing mental health issues. They do some fantastic work.

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  • The BEST SELLING book Content Fortress
The Book

Online Course + Digital Copy

Full Price $497
Early Bird Price

$ 297
  • 10-module course walking you through the framework step by step
  • Content templates helping you to produce your content faster
  • Email templates to save you time when communicating with prospects
  • Access to a Private FB Group for feedback and guidance along the way
  • Course Workbook to keep you on track
  • A digital copy of the best-selling book
  • Library of helpful tools and resources to help you build your own content fortress
The course

A Thank You

Marcus Sheridan transformed our business through his book, They Ask, You Answer. In one year of implementing his teachings, we’d tippled our web traffic, doubled our sales and increased our prices. 

If you honestly told us back then, when we read his book that one day he’d be writing the foreward for our book we’d have laughed and told you to stop joking. But here we are, it’s a huge, huge honour. 

And A Huge Thank You…

We would not have come to understand Marcus’ teachings and implemented them without Chris Marr of the former Content Marketing Academy. Chris, we are forever grateful. Thank you so much, Chris and Marcus.